For over 50 years, the weekend of the Edom Art Festival has brought thousands to Edom, creating significant financial impact to Edom’s businesses… often representing 20% of their annual sales.

How can we boost Edom’s presence and attract more visitors throughout the year?

In 2022, the Texas Tourism Commission spent two days touring Edom, Ben Wheeler, and Van.

They were very impressed with Edom’s unique and creative personality & saw opportunities that could greatly benefit the community year round.


  • Establish a Visitors Center
  • Engaging & Updated Website
  • Capitalize on Historical Tourism
  • Strengthen Edom’s Branding
  • Permanent Wayfinding Signage

Red = Completed!

What Remains

4 Critical Public Projects that will revitalize highly visable areas in Edom which has the potential to increase tourism and realize economic growth.

The Edom “To-Do’s”

Capitalize on Edom’s Rich History – Transform the Edom Museum

Install a Unique & Distinctive Sculpture That Announces You have arrived in Edom

Renown artists Craig & Jan Blackmon, have designed this engaging steel sculpture that will reside near the stop light at Hwy 279 & FM 314. The Blackmons have graciously donated their design fee; campaign funds will cover material costs.

*Studies show that Heritage Tourists spend more on lodging, shopping, entertainment & dining than any other type of tourist.

Well designed Public Spaces and Public Art Works have the power to:

    • Draw People In
    • Strengthen a town’s identity which can result in increased toursim and economomic growth.

Engaging Mural & Landscaping

Designed and painted by artist, Deanna Frye, the mural will be located on the south and west walls of The Old Firehouse & Performance Hall.  The mural will reflect Edom’s colorful, creative and unique personality welcoming visitors as they arrive to Edom. The area in front of the mural will be revitalized with low maintenance landscaping.

*Murals can add colour, texture, and dimension to buildings and public areas, making them more inviting and visually appealing. This can improve the quality of life for the community and help attract visitors, which can have positive social and economic benefits for the community.

In order to realize these much needed updates to Edom, we need to raise


These funds will go toward the 4 Permanent Public Projects and inject renewed life and vitality into Edom.

Your generosity will make a significant difference in helping us reach our goal of $45,000
and bring these public projects to life. We appreciate any and all contributions! Below are suggested donation options:

$7,500 and up

All who donate will be recognized on permanent signage in Edom!

Also to note, your donations will be
Tax Deductable

We have a vision of what Edom can become and need visionaries who can help
make this happen!

Help us enhance Edom by donating:



Credit Card
see Craig Blackmon at The Log Cabin


Made out to The Edom Museum and given to Craig Blackmon at The Log Cabin

or mailed to:

The Edom Enhancement Capital Campaign
c/o Craig Blackmon
14695 VZ County Road 4811
Chandler, TX 75758

Thank you in advance!

– The 2024 Edom Enhancement Capital Campaign Committee